技术文本 1. 项目概述 1.1 项目概述 项目位于伊拉克首都巴格达以南 320 公里,南部城市巴士拉以北约 300 公里,距离伊拉克南部 UM-QASER 港约 380 公里,货物从该港口出发,经过 260 公里高速公路和约 120 公里普通油漆马路抵达项目现场。项目厂址距离最近的小城 Al-Samawah只有 40 公里,由油漆马路连接,下了油漆马路大概 1000 米即可到达。
1.2 现场条件 1.2.1 海拔高度 现场海拔高度约为 ~50 m。
1.2.2 降雨量 工厂所在地区从 1 月到 12 月,年平均降水量为 100mm 以下。
1.2.3 气温 最高温度:55℃ 最低温度:-10℃ 1.2.4 风 最大风速:150km/hr 1.2.5 相对湿度 月平均相对湿度约为 17%-72%。
1.3 规范和标准 应符合下列规范和标准(最新版):
IEC:国际电工委员会 设备的所有分供应商应在其公司和制造厂实施 ISO-9001:2000 质量体系标准。
1)输入电力:3 Ph, 6.6 kV, 50 Hz 2)中压: 3 Ph, 6.6 kV, 50 Hz 3)低压 (TN-C-S): 3 Ph, 400V, 50 Hz. 4)照明、插座和带有中性线(N)及接地线(E)的辅助设备: 220V, 1 Ph + E + N , 50 Hz 5)焊接用接线端:380V, 3ph + E + N, 50 Hz 用户电压 1)MV 电机:> 250KW, 6.6kV, 3 Ph, 50 Hz 2)LV 电机:< 250KW, 380V, 3Ph+E+N,50Hz 3)应急电源: 220V, 3 Ph +E + N, 50Hz 辅助控制电压 1) MV 开关装置: 110 V DC 2) MCC(电机控制中心): 220V AC 1 Ph. + E + N, 50Hz 3) 交流控制(执行器、螺线管等):220V AC, 1PH. + E + N, 50Hz 4) 自动控制: 48/ 24 V DC 5) 不间断电压: 220/ 380V, 3 Ph, 50 Hz 2. 标准 电机满足国家标准或 IEC 标准。
3 .电动机技术要求 (1)电动机具有F级绝缘,电机绕组经VPI处理。
(4)电动机外壳 1)电动机外壳的防护等级型为IP55; YRKK系列电机采用钢板焊接机壳。
(5)噪声控制 电机的最高噪音水平符合国标或IEC要求。
(6)振动 电动机振动达到国家标准或IEC标准。
(7)仪表、控制和保护 1)温度探测器 每台电动机提供8只RTD,其中定子绕组每相两只,轴承每端1只。前后轴承各一只。
2)仪表和控制 a.采用标准化的元件和标准化的设备组件,热电阻采用Pt-100。
(9)绕组 绕组材料:铜材质;
绝缘等级/温升考核:F 级绝缘/B 级;
(10)喷漆 使用防锈漆,并且所有电机有相同的油漆涂层,品牌为多乐士或者佐敦漆。(电机色标号为 RAL 5010)。
(11)2800KW 电机的 3 台 CT 安装在电机中性点接线盒里。
2800KW 电机的另 3 台 CT 单独发货(发送到国内买方指定地址)。
(12)每台电机带 2 个振动传感器,并带 4~20mA 信号,品牌和 AD 项目一期一致 (13)接地 每台电机提供 2 个接地端子,附加的一个接地端子安装在定子接线盒内。
4 、电机检测 试验项目:
1. 目击型式试验并提供试验报告;
2. 目击出厂试验并提供试验报告;
5、 、 电机 技术 规范表 5.1 原料立磨主电机 和 原料立磨循环风机电机 YRKK800-6/2800kW,6.6KV 2 台 DATA SHEET Section : Power Distribution System Description Unit Tenderer MV Motor 1. GENERAL Standard IEC Make 批注 [s1]: 请明确的具体品牌型号。
a) Motor TECOJX b) LRS/GRR c) Capacitor 2. Motors Type oC YRKK800-6 Protection type IP Motor IP55 Insulation class rated/loaded F/B F/B Rated voltage V 6600 Rated frequency Hz 50 Combined variation % Humidity % ≤92% Ambient Temperature oC -10~55℃ a) Output power at ambient KW 2800 b) Load factor less than 90% with 100% output of driven equipment Yes/ No NO Guaranteed Power factor without tolerance & without capacitor at: 2/4 FL 0.80 3/4 FL 0.861 4/4 FL 0.885 Guaranteed Efficiency without tolerances at: 2/4 FL % 94.4 3/4 FL % 95.5 4/4 FL % 95.9 Guaranteed maximum temperature rise over an ambient i/ For fixed speed motors 0C 65 ii/ For variable speed motors 0C N/A Frame size of motor F#800 Stalling current without rotor resistance % 550% Safe stalling time without rotor resistance a) Hot Sec 34 b) Cold Sec 37 Moment of inertia of rotors (GD2) Kgm. Sq. 2756 Starting torque without negative tolerance (FLT) % Thermal Withstand Time a) Hot Sec b) Cold Sec Pull out torque without negative tolerance (FLT) % 280% 批注 [s2]: 用户选型与电机无关 批注 [s3]: 周温 55℃ Permissible starting time Sec N/A Starting duty Calculated full load RPM Rpm 994 a) Open circuit voltage(Rotor voltage) Volts 2751 b) Rotor current Amps 614 Stator connections Y Rotor connections Y Rotor internal resistance Ohms 0.01 Magnetising current Amps 87 Full load current Amps 288 Power factor at the time of starting Earthing terminal details M10 Separate slip ring section Yes/No YES Suitability for resistance earthing system Yes/No YES Insulation for bearings to prevent shaft current Yes/No YES above 200 mV Over temperature protection - Stator winding, PT 100 Nos. 6 - Bearing, 1 PT 100 (each) Nos. 1 - Stator core, PT100 Nos. 0 Static and Dynamic loading details PER OUTLINE Phase segregated terminal box for stator Yes/No NO Neutral terminal box Yes/No YES Housing of Slip Ring assembly in a seperate compartment Yes/ No YES Anti-condensation heater Yes/No YES Motors above 700kW provided with cable box CT Yes/No YES(≥2000KW) Bearing type Roller/Sleeved SLEEVE a) Vibration detectors Yes/No YES b) Insulation Yes/No YES(NDE ONLY) Overload (Suitability) - 100% for 60 secs., 4 times/hour Yes/No YES Stator resistance per phase at 20 deg.C Ohms 0.077 Rotor resistance per phase at 20 deg.C Ohms 0.01 Stator reactance per phase Ohms 0.821 Rotor reactance per phase Ohms 0.303 Type of brush gear Whether motor is tropicalised Yes/No YES Admissible fault level on stator terminal box at MVA operating voltage Variable speed drives with grid resistance controller - Input/Output power at site different speeds Yes/No NO details enclosed - Suitability for speed range 60 to 100% Yes/No N/A - Inclusion of tachogenerator Yes/No NO Transportation Rotor locking device included Yes/No YES Guaranteed Total max. losses in motor at KW 120 100% load without tolerance Automatic brush lifting device Yes/No NO Motor with 2nd shaft end for mounting tacho Yes/No NO Heat exchanger IC611 5.2 石灰石破碎机 电机 和板喂机电机 YRKK500-6/630kW,6.6KV 2 台 DATA SHEET Section : Power Distribution System Description Unit Tenderer MV Motor 1. GENERAL Standard IEC Make a) Motor TECOJX b) LRS/GRR c) Capacitor 2. Motors Type oC YRKK500-6 Protection type IP Motor IP55 Insulation class rated/loaded F/B F/B Rated voltage V 6600 Rated frequency Hz 50 Combined variation % Humidity % ≤92% Ambient Temperature oC -10~55℃ a) Output power at ambient KW 630 b) Load factor less than 90% with 100% output of driven equipment Yes/ No NO Guaranteed Power factor without tolerance & without capacitor at: 2/4 FL 0.76 3/4 FL 0.84 4/4 FL 0.87 Guaranteed Efficiency without tolerances at: 2/4 FL % 93.4 3/4 FL % 94.4 4/4 FL % 94.7 Guaranteed maximum temperature rise over an ambient i/ For fixed speed motors 0C 65 ii/ For variable speed motors 0C N/A Frame size of motor F#500 Stalling current without rotor resistance % N/A Safe stalling time without rotor resistance a) Hot Sec N/A b) Cold Sec N/A Moment of inertia of rotors (GD2) Kgm. Sq. 256 Starting torque without negative tolerance (FLT) % Thermal Withstand Time a) Hot Sec b) Cold Sec Pull out torque without negative tolerance (FLT) % 270% Permissible starting time Sec N/A Starting duty Calculated full load RPM Rpm 988 a) Open circuit voltage(Rotor voltage) Volts 1018 b) Rotor current Amps 380 Stator connections Y Rotor connections Y Rotor internal resistance Ohms 0.012(20℃) Magnetising current Amps 23 Full load current Amps 67 Power factor at the time of starting 批注 [s4]: 用户选型与电机无关 批注 [s5]: 周温 55℃ Earthing terminal details M10 Separate slip ring section Yes/No YES Suitability for resistance earthing system Yes/No YES Insulation for bearings to prevent shaft current Yes/No NO above 200 mV Over temperature protection - Stator winding, PT 100 Nos. 6 - Bearing, 1 PT 100 (each) Nos. 1 - Stator core, PT100 Nos. 0 Static and Dynamic loading details PER OUTLINE Phase segregated terminal box for stator Yes/No NO Neutral terminal box Yes/No NO Housing of Slip Ring assembly in a seperate compartment Yes/ No YES Anti-condensation heater Yes/No YES Motors above 700kW provided with cable box CT Yes/No NO Bearing type Roller/Sleeved ROLLER a) Vibration detectors Yes/No NO b) Insulation Yes/No NO Overload (Suitability) - 100% for 60 secs., 4 times/hour Yes/No YES Stator resistance per phase at 20 deg.C Ohms 0.48 Rotor resistance per phase at 20 deg.C Ohms 0.012 Stator reactance per phase Ohms 5.365 Rotor reactance per phase Ohms 0.144 Type of brush gear Whether motor is tropicalised Yes/No YES Admissible fault level on stator terminal box at MVA operating voltage Variable speed drives with grid resistance controller - Input/Output power at site different speeds Yes/No NO details enclosed - Suitability for speed range 60 to 100% Yes/No N/A - Inclusion of tachogenerator Yes/No NO Transportation Rotor locking device included Yes/No YES Guaranteed Total max. losses in motor at KW 35 100% load without tolerance Automatic brush lifting device Yes/No NO Motor with 2nd shaft end for mounting tacho Yes/No NO Heat exchanger IC611 合同附件二 设备详细供货范围表 供货范围及分项报价表 序 号 设备 名称 规格型号 数量 单 重(kg) 单价 (万元) 总价 (万元) 备注 1 水 泥 磨 主电机 YRKK800-6/2800kW, 50Hz, 6.6kV,IP55 1 23500 2 原 料 磨 循环 风 机 电机 YRKK800-6/2800kW, 50Hz, 6.6kV,IP55 1 23500 3 石 灰 石 破碎机电机 YRKK500-6/630KW 50HZ,6.6KV,IP55 1 6100 SKF 轴承 4 板 喂 机 电机 YRKK500-6/630KW 50HZ,6.6KV,IP55 1 6100 SKF 轴承 6 合计 优惠 条件 此价格包含包装费,国内运输费,商检费, 30 天现场服务费。